Friday, February 16, 2007

Time (and not the magazine)

editors note.....Dave and Linda skipped their WW meeting this week to celebrate Valentine's Day, so no weigh-in information this week.

Today's topic is Time. A very large subject to explore. Physicists have been trying to define Time for centuries. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity explores the interaction of the Space-Time continuum as a traveller approaches the speed of light. The jist of his argument is that as a person approaches the speed of light, Time actually slows down for the traveller, relative to the person that is not travelling that fast.

Ok how does this relate to Weight Watchers you ask? Elementary my dear Watson.

We all know that society is moving faster and faster every day. That leaves less time in the day for health related activities such as working out, shopping for healthy foods, reading up on nutritional topics, meditating, or even getting enough sleep. As far as I know none of us has a rocket ship that approximates the speed of light.

So what are we to do?

First and foremost is value yourself. I touched upon this briefly in a previous post. What that means is TAKE THE TIME TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU!

If you have dishes piled up in the sink and e-mails to answer what's the biggie ? Go ahead and take that walk around the block. Go ahead and read that article in Prevention Magazine. Go ahead and put on Enya and close your eyes for 15 minutes. Yes just do it.

And then when you are finished, your tasks will take less time to accomplish, you will feel better, and the world will not have stopped rotating. WOW ! Dude might be on to something here.

Another tip is making use of snippets of time to do mini-workouts. I'm famous for walking religiously during my breaks at work. Three ten minute walks adds up to 30 minutes of healthy exercise. I love to watch TV. Let's face it Survivor, 24, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune all rock. My newest addiction is the Fitness Ball! Doing crunches and stretches and all sorts of exercises while watching TV ! How cool is that? Linda, I must admit is getting a little tired of the living room work-outs so I might be banished to the basement but who cares, got a TV down there too.

As far as heathy meals go, a good idea is to make a larger amount than what is needed for that day and freeze the rest. Linda is known for making huge pots of soup or chili. Then she freezes the leftovers and has them ready to go at a moments notice. This prevents the time-challenged person from hitting the drive-thru or God forbid calling the pizza man. Sorry pizza man you know I still love you.

This just the tip of the proverbial iceburg when it comes to time. Bottom line is I never want to hear any fellow Weight Watchers say "I didn't have time". Sorry you do.

See ya in the produce section of King Soopers.

Dave and Linda

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