Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Today's topic is what I like to call stick-to-it-iveness. That is a word that I made up several years ago to describe a quality that most folks call perseverence. Last week's weigh-in was troubling for me because I actually gained a little. So this week I've been on a mission to get back on track and drop some weight.

Albert Einstein has been credited with saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". So I quickly decided that if I was going to reverse the results of last week's weigh-in I needed to do something different.

However, that does not mean straying off course completely, just tweaking the basic game plan.

So with that in mind, I'd like to examine my previous week's strategy.

1. Stick with the Flex Plan, count points and eat healthy all week.
2. Continue walking every day. I averaged 8,000 steps per day.
3. Joined the gym here at work. I went to the gym once and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill and stretched out before and after.
4. Started to work out with my newly purchased Fitness Ball. I did that 3 times. (More details on the Fitness Ball coming in a future post, that thing rocks).
5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.
6. Limit alcohol consumption to a bare minimum.
7. Maintain a positive attitude that this week's weigh-in will be much better.

And that is what I have done. My freshman year of high school (1969) I was on the wrestling team. Before every match we had to weigh in to make sure we were at or below the limits of our weight class. That was called "making weight". I have compared our weekly WED 715 meetings to "making weight" each week. I remember team members doing crazy stuff like skipping rope in the steam room for hours wearing a plastic suit to drop enough weight to reach their goals. Those practices have been eliminated due to the unfortunate side effect of death. YIKES.

Tonight I will see the results of my determination and stick-to-it-iveness.

Weight Watchers participants are "making weight" each week by sticking to the plan, remaining positive, and having determination that we will succeed in our personal weight loss goals.

Healthy eating to all.

Dave and Linda

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